How Can I Bounce Back From Facial Plastic Surgery?

Posted on: 26 February 2015

In 2012, there were about 15 million cosmetic procedures performed for patients in the United States. More people than ever are looking for ways to get a little cosmetic work done, and facelifts are among the most popular options. However, always remember that this is an incredibly invasive surgery, so you should be mindful of the healing process that follows. By taking advantage of the healing process in the right manner, you'll be able to not only enjoy the finished product sooner, but will also get back to your regular life without problems. [Read More]

Persistent Watery Eyes? You Could Have Blocked Or Infected Tear Ducts

Posted on: 24 February 2015

If your eyes are constantly watery, it means that you have too many tears draining from your eyes. While tears have an important job, which is keeping the eyes moist and washing away particles in the eyes, too many leads to persistent tearing. Your eyes are constantly making tears, and the excess usually exits the eye through your tear ducts, a small hole in the corner of each eye. If these ducts are infection or blocked, it can prevent tears from draining and cause your watery eyes. [Read More]